This chapter contains a body of research on male garments of the eighteenth century from a number of sources.

I have recorded a range of garments from various collections that include a scaled-down pattern of each garment with notes as necessary, a detailed measurement chart with additional notes and a set of photographs. They are grouped in a chronological order.

Being able to look at the inside structure of male garments of this century is always fascinating but also quite rare.

I have been able to include an article written by June Dalton on the structure of a coat from the Norwich Museum Services collection. It adds to and complements the research I have undertaken on the garment that is also included.

I have also been able to include photographs of the inside structure of a coat that is part of the study collection at Platt Hall in Manchester.

Finally, there is a section on eighteenth-century patterns from Norah Waugh’s The Cut of Men’s Clothes 1600–1900 with a foreword by Carolyn Hollis.