In this chapter, I engage the CTD methodology to examine four discrete colonizing injuries in my memory. Within each cycle of CTD, I offer additional narrative accounts that further extrapolate on emerging themes, patterns, and questions. The employment of the CTD method is intended to offer new insight on the condition and nature of a colonizing and decolonizing subjectivity. Specifically, I engaged in this research for a clearer understanding of how colonizing ideology cements itself into one’s subjectivity, how it alters the subject when present, and what the decolonizing process looks like at the locus of subjectivity. In these studies, I work to define the colonizing process that created the pretext for this work. The CTD method enables me to attend to my cognitive and performative modes of resistance in their varying measures of effectiveness. The colonizing ideologies and related thought pathologies that collude in my colonizing and decolonizing subjectivity will be named and tracked for their effects on my lived experience.