Unhealthy envy is a particularly destructive emotion. It can sour relationships and lead a person to become obsessed with what they do not have in life, leaving them to take for granted or neglect what they do have in life. When a person feels unhealthy envy, they focus on a scenario that has three elements to it, usually: the person themself, another person and something or someone that the other has that the person prizes but does not have. Envy is often confused with jealousy, which, involves the person thinking that they face a threat to their relationship with their partner. There are, in fact, two different types of unhealthy envy: unhealthy ego envy and unhealthy non-ego envy, although a person may have both. In unhealthy ego envy, the person tends to invest their self-esteem in whatever it is that others have that they want but do not have.