Murry own pacifism having been bound up from the start with his domestic struggle, he was uncomfortably aware that his principles required him to hold out at home until he collapsed once more – until ‘jealous, deathly, possessive love capitulates to non-possessive love at my death-bed, or over my dead body’. As luck would have it, however, the very difficulties accumulating for Pacifists proved Murry salvation: for it was at this point that the P.P.U. National Council, deciding that the best hope of saving Peace News was to put an influential journalist in charge. In actual fact, Murry fanaticism could hardly fail to engender a certain sym-pathy for Hitler, his sense of ‘destiny’ predisposing him to attach deep significance to the Führer’s disquisitions on his ‘mission’. From the moment America’s entry into the war made military victory feasible, Murry devoted his commentary incessantly to emphasizing the ‘barrenness of “unconditional surrender”’ and the need to proclaim, as the Western goal.