Shivaram arrived in Japan in October 1952 and after a series of performances, left with Louise for Canada and the United States of America in February 1953. In Imphal, Louise was introduced to an outstanding young dancer—Kshetrimayum Ibetombi Devi by Y. Gourmani Singh who was Louise's co-host in 1951. In terms of dance items, it was the presentation of Ras Lila and Poong Cholom. Ras Lila dance captures both the Rup (form) dance highlighting Krishna's beautiful appearance and Bashi Konjon Taba dance that highlights Radha's search for Lord Krishna which symbolizes soul's quest for the eternal beloved. As opposed to a group dance, audience expectations from a solo dance performance are higher. Ibetombi's Australian tour can be summarized and narrated through the tripartite lens of finance, reputation and cultural understanding. The news of Ibetombi's success had reached Manipur through daily newspaper The Ngasi. Louise spent considerable time in Manipur to finish her research on local dance tradition and culture.