The story is fun and adventurous and is likely to appeal to children of approximately 8–12 years old. A Nasty Dose of the Yawns is set in Year 6 of a primary school. It is acknowledged that children with literacy difficulties may find it difficult to read A Nasty Dose of the Yawns independently as it contains a wide range of vocabulary to hold the interest of older readers. Zack is an 11-year-old boy who finds school challenging due to being dyslexic. As a younger pupil, he was renowned for his anger, which was a consequence of repeatedly failing at literacy tasks. The headteacher is horrified to find the whole of Year 6 in a coma and is desperate to deal with the problem discreetly, to prevent panic among the parents and pupils. Zack returns to school in a black mood and is surprised to find that his friends are unconscious and, for the moment, no adults are in sight.