Just before noon on September 17,1745, all was in readiness for Charles to march triumphantly into Edinburgh. The only hitch of any consequence was that General Guest and King George’s troops were still in possession of the castle and its guns. The Prince was certainly an impressive sight. He wore a light-colored peruke topped with a blue velvet bonnet that was ringed with gold lace; a tartan short coat; and a waistcoat and breeches of red velvet. In the few short weeks since the raising of the standard at Glenfinnan, Charles had accomplished a great deal, swiftly and unopposed. It is small wonder that, as he stood on the balcony of Holyrood Palace, he was the darling of the crowd and the idol of the women. The Market Cross was draped with a Persian carpet and five heralds richly dressed in formal costume stood in attendance.