The introduction presents a theoretical overview of the concepts transhuman, nonhuman, posthuman, and more-than-human in order to consolidate current critical and theoretical approaches towards the body and different forms of embodiment in cultural practices. While giving insight into the complexities of the interconnectedness of human bodies and other nonhuman entities in different theoretical traditions, the novel concept ‘more/than/human entanglements,’ which reworks and extends the term ‘more-than-human,’ is introduced. As the introduction proposes, in line with the critical posthumanist and feminist new materialist framework, nonhumans become subjects of ethics, aesthetics, and politics in this monograph, destabilizing the anthropocentric position responsible for the inequalities inherited from the traditional models of knowledge and contributing to the production of equally relevant meanings. Ultimately, the introductory part summarizes the conceptual and analytical directions of the subsequent chapters, understood as ‘unfolding,’ that encompass many different fields—from art to cinematic works, from biotechnology to performance studies.