This chapter centers Socio-Emotional RelationshipTherapy (SERT) as a comprehensive model of socially responsible practice grounded in the assumption that it is not possible to be clinically “neutral.” Socio-emotional relational therapists attune to clients’ felt sociocultural identities. They stay with clients’ experience while naming unjust power processes and previously taken-for granted societal discourses. SERT therapists value relational qualities and strengths that are often overlooked or devalued in the dominant culture. They track the flow of societal power in interpersonal relationships, intervening to create an equitable and safe foundation for addressing client concerns. SERT uses an expanded contextual focus to help clients envision just, mutually supportive relational possibilities and transform inequities as they enact and embody these ideals. At the end of the chapter, there is a case example that illustrates these principles.