Building upon the previous chapter, this chapter discusses a range of issues relating to the development of a group mentality and what the position of the individual is. The first section particularly focuses upon the role of the education system in developing attitudes and behaviour. The following section discusses some examples of where a group identity may be formed and what the implications of this may be. Having discussed the role of the group and individual, the chapter then moves on to discussing further dynamics relating to this, including how people understand their position in relation to a group and the importance of loyalty. The next section opens a discussion about some possible negative aspects of a focus on the group and how this may impact those who are a minority. This section highlights some issues that minorities may face but also how, in some cases, there are times when Japanese society provides means to support minorities. The section further questions what we mean by a ‘minority’ and in so doing considers what the position of women is in Japanese society. The chapter concludes with a ‘Reflection’ section that asks you to consider some additional issues that relate to the topics that have been covered in the chapter.