Promise is a smaller first-tier suburb located on the northern border of Meritopia. Promise is an older, traditionally white, working-class town that is experiencing significant demographic change due to the influx of working-class minorities who are migrating away from increasingly crime-ridden and blighted sections of north Meritopia. Crime rates in Promise are growing rapidly and becoming more severe and violent. Muggings, robberies, homicides, vehicle thefts, domestic violence, disturbing the peace, trespassing, and harassment are becoming more prominent. The Promise Police Department (PPD) has grown significantly in recent years, and is currently staffed at 80 sworn officers, six code enforcement officers, and 17 support staff, all of whom are white, and most of whom grew up in or near Promise. The officers generally drive through minority-dominated areas in their patrol cars and seldom engage the people there, except in response to reported crimes.