I was once a single guy; many of you are single or at least have a vague recollection of what was like to be single. Even more of you have a distorted view of what your life was like when you were single. I am sure that no matter how prim and proper you were or at least thought you were, you occasionally went out with the intention of meeting someone who you could date or even just spend an evening with, and, to be clear, I am not judging this type of activity. It is a part of single life and part of the process of being single and foolish. Hopefully, you didn't do anything that caused you any permanent damage; my guess is that you probably look back on those days or maybe even last night and shake your head or maybe just laugh a bit. For those of you like me who have found the love of your life and have settled down, you understand that single life, although fun, doesn't give you the kind of fulfillment a relationship does. On the other hand, there are some things that the single life gives you that are unique to that lifestyle and don't come in a long-term relationship. The pursuit of your career—mind you I said career, not job—is very similar to the single life. You may have to venture down a number of different paths before you find “the one.” The key is recognizing which path is long-term and sustainable and which are more fleeting. Even a short-term job is a great place to learn and get you ready to settle down in a career sense.