Have you ever had a big night out and mistakenly left your credit card at the bar without closing out your tab? I hate when this happens, and the following morning is the worst part of the whole episode. You don't realize that you have left your card until you are out buying coffee or breakfast the next day. Once you realize you are without your plastic, you have to wait for the bar to open and hope that the card is actually still there and not maxed out. It never fails that the bartender who over-served you is there the next day and gives you the “you were a mess last night” look. They have already charged the card, wrote in a 25% tip and you now have a sour taste in your mouth about the night before. The worst part is the person you are most frustrated with is yourself! A lot of salespeople like to quote Glengarry Glen Ross, “A.B.C.; always be closing”; it is a great scene, and although I agree with the premise, very few people truly close properly. There are two likely scenarios when it comes to ineffective closing. The first is they close without actually demonstrating any value. The second is they completely forgot or don't have enough confidence to close at all.