Chapter 2 aims to equip readers with the means to make an informed decision about which career path(s) to follow as professional translators. To this aim, it reviews some of the key features of working as a freelance translator (both going through a translation agency and getting work from direct clients) and as an in-house translator (at translation companies, translation agencies and governmental, commercial and intergovernmental organisations). This is followed by activities that encourage readers to find out more about the working conditions for both in-house and freelance translators in their countries and what these differences may mean in terms of potential career progression. Finally, this chapter acknowledges that career paths may be the result of seized opportunities as well as carefully planned career moves by introducing readers to Krumboltz’s happenstance theory and the concept of ‘portfolio careers’. Doing so allows readers to start reflecting on all the transferable skills that they are acquiring as trainee translators and that they could apply to non-translation jobs throughout their working lives.