Just as innovative and creative architecture was our inspiration for thinking about the notion of ‘Dislocated Complexity’, so it has been at the heart of our conceptual thinking and writing for this book. In developing and elaborating on our concept of ‘Dislocated Complexity’ and using it as an analytical basis for our discussion of universities in times of crisis and disruption, our thinking has moved beyond our embarkation point of distorted, disturbed, disrupted and disjointed buildings. We have come to grasp more fully the dynamic and ever-changing character of Dislocated Complexity, our thinking has moved beyond our embarkation point of distorted, disturbed, disrupted and disjointed buildings. Through the ‘Unscripted Agency’ of those who constitute the university, the university is a constantly changing entity contending with ‘Clashing -ologies’ that abound throughout its core activities of knowledge generation and service. In Dislocated Complexity, the university is an engine of social change and transformation where the exercise of ‘Emanant Trust’, unscripted agency and positive activism can assure its future and place in a world of unknowable unknowns.