The principles which for the most part dominate modern planning. or, for that matter, administration, in Britain are to be found in a single book: Jeremy Bentham’s Principles of Morals and Legislation. Ultimate justifications are to be in terms of an end achieved or a purpose, not in terms of duties or of deeds good-in-themselves. Bentham offered a set of variables for determining the level of pleasure in an individual, including ‘propinquity’, ‘fecundity’ and duration. Liberal Benthamism in the real world involves political and administrative responses of varying complexity, but the people must understand its workings with reference to the full version. Mackenzie outlines three main sets of beliefs as to how maximisation of the collective entity is to be achieved: ‘A’ is ‘faith in the market’. There are a range of theories about how to make planning decisions which come under the broad heading of politics.