In this chapter, we look at how school counselors can take a more inclusive approach to college and career planning to provide representation for students to provide a sense of pride and confirmation of opportunity for those they serve. The authors will explore college and career readiness at both the primary and secondary levels. The authors will describe the value of community partnerships and the role of key stakeholders. As school counselors, we are charged with the task of promoting the academic, social, emotional, and college career needs of our students. Moreover, the authors encourage the reader to consider the role of a school counselor as students prepare for college and careers at the primary and secondary levels. In addition, a case study is used to illustrate the college and career trajectory of a biracial male as he transitions from K–12 to postsecondary success. The authors will outline the decisions made in supporting this student and the infused theoretical approaches supporting the college and career development of racial/ethnic minoritized children as well.