An inscrutable phenomenon, Radhu played an important, though painful, role in Holy Mother’s life and the fulfilment of her mission. Such troublesome, incongruous, and rebellious characters are necessary, as Sri Ramakrishna once said, to “thicken the plot”. In her childhood Radhu was a rather charming girl and attracted people by her air of innocence. She had nothing to worry about for her future and was indifferent to money. But as Radhu grew up, her body and mind gradually changed. Physically she turned out to be a valetudinarian and mentally a moron. Radhu was bedecked with gold and silver ornaments from head to foot. The party of the bridegroom and the people of Jayrambati were entertained with a sumptuous feast. Between 1911 and 1917 Radhu developed strong symptoms of neurasthenia. She also suffered from fits of hysteria and could not stand even the slightest noise.