Like Holy Mother’s own disciples, Sri Ramakrishna’s direct disciples regarded her as the incarnation of the Divine Mother of the Universe. Swami Vivekananda once wrote a letter from America urging the monks of the Ramakrishna Order to renounce everything in the service of God and man. Swami Brahmananda’s reverence for Holy Mother is too deep for words. The Swami was one of the youngest of Sri Ramakrishna’s monastic disciples. The death of Swami Premananda on July 30, 1918, bruised Holy Mother’s heart deeply. Like the other disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Shivananda regarded Holy Mother’s view on every matter as final. For over fifteen years Swami Saradananda had the unique privilege of being close to Holy Mother and looking after her needs. A devotee once said to Swami Saradananda that he could easily believe in the divinity of Sri Ramakrishna; at least he cherished that faith.