Three of Sri Ramakrishna’s most prominent householder disciples were Girish Chandra Ghosh, Nag Mahasaya, and Mahendranath Gupta, widely known as Master Mahasaya or M, the chronicler of Sri Ramakrishna’s conversations. Girish was a disciple of the heroic type. A poet, playwright, actor, and brilliant conversationalist, Girish was an outstanding member of Calcutta society. At the earnest request of Swami Niranjananda, Girish went to Jayrambati with a servant and a cook. Girish spent a happy and carefree time at Jayrambati, roaming freely with the villagers in the meadows and drinking in the beauty of the sunset in the open fields. As the women devotees present expressed their sorrow at Nivedita’s death, Holy Mother said: “All creatures weep for a great soul.” The affectionate and respectful term by which Swami Brahmananda was addressed by the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna.