In April 1885 Sri Ramakrishna felt a soreness in his throat. As simple treatment brought him no relief, a specialist was called for, and the illness was diagnosed as cancer. Sarada Devi and the young disciples took charge of the nursing, and Sarada Devi prepared his special diet. Sarada Devi continued to live at Dakshineswar. There she led a quiet life without realizing the real significance of the Master’s illness. The preparation of Sri Ramakrishna’s diet became a real problem, and the devotees discussed the idea of bringing Sarada Devi to Shyampukur. Finding medical treatment ineffective, Sarada Devi resolved to seek divine help. With that end in view she went to the famous Siva temple at Tarakeswar, on the other side of the Ganges, determined to fast and keep vigil until she obtained the remedy through intercession with Siva. In order to restore her inner peace, Balaram planned to send her on a pilgrimage.