Read the book first, formulate your own views, and decide whether you agree or disagree with the book’s contributors. Then, consider this definition of transformational change so you can decide for yourself whether it resonates with your take. “Transformational change is completely rethinking and repositioning the what, why, how, who, when, and where associated with dramatically improving the effectiveness, happiness, health, and/or survival of someone or something.” Everyone can provide leadership of transformational change, and having an execution plan to get there that everyone understands really makes a big difference. People hate change, but they hate failure even more. In addition, transformational change is most effective when it is simple and practical. This chapter focuses your attention on the top ten most differentiating ingredients for success. Think of these actions as the formula, the secret sauce, for leading transformational change: Start with Truth, Talent, and Timing; Cultivate the Spirit of Abundance; Answer from What to What?; Appreciate the Beauty of “And”; Embrace VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity); Go First, but Not Alone; Define, Align, and Refine the What and Why; Energize the Village; Love Influencers and Resistors; Taste-Test the Secret Sauce.