In the course of this chapter, however, the people will review many other groundbreaking feminist criticism, ranging across engagements with sociology, psychology, political theory, postmodernism and queer theory. The greater part of the feminist movement has identified Freud as the enemy. The writings of the French social theorist Julia Kristeva press the feminist critique of identity to a parodic edge. Kristeva’s suggestive work, based on gender, has made a considerable impact on recent social theory, especially in feminism, no doubt in part since it is reflective of profound personal, cultural and political changes occurring in contemporary societies. There are several important reasons why Butler’s work has been especially well received in sexuality studies, feminism and social theory. The affirmation of self-identity can sometimes be as much limiting as it can be freeing. In various French feminisms, there is an engagement with Freud and Lacan to critique the patriarchal sexual order of contemporary societies.