Urticants produce instant, almost intolerable pain and cause immediate local destruction of skin and mucous membranes. Eyes are especially susceptible to urticants. In addition to immediate pain, urticants produce lesions and inflammation the cornea, which may progress to blindness. Urticants are also systemic agents and rapidly pass through the skin to affect susceptible tissue. Percutaneous absorption of liquids or solids can also produce pulmonary edema and blood clots in the lungs. Urticants are hazardous through any route of exposure including inhalation, skin and eye exposure, ingestion, and broken, abraded, or lacerated skin. Urticants have a penetrating and disagreeable odor detectable at very low concentrations. Urticants produce immediate irritation and pain of the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. Urticants are relatively unstable and tend to decompose spontaneously unless stored at low temperatures.