Throughout Europe, many companies had shut down for some period in the summer—the most popular vacation time, with huge traffic jams to and from southern vacation destinations. It was also a logical time for a slowdown of Davanti operations: Everyone feels exhausted after the Tour de France, and Davanti employees, like the racers, look forward to a summer break. Many riders will return for final races starting in September, while others call it a season after the Tour. For Davanti, the next season starts immediately after the slowdown, with a focus on the fall races, the Eurobike show in January, and then the European Classiques soon thereafter. Davanti’s curtailed most work in August, yet many employees were at headquarters off and on. In addition to the Volta team and volunteer engineers working on the PCP, a skeleton crew in the prototype shop and test lab was busy with work on the Primo Sempre and Primo Veloce bike lines.