Assessment is a global term for gathering information for the purpose of decision making. This process permeates everyday life. In education, assessment is used by teachers, students, students’ families, community members, school administrators, researchers, and educational policymakers at state and national levels. Teachers use classroom assessments to gather information to meet many goals, such as: determining student readiness, providing feedback to students, determining student progress, and so on. The aim of classroom assessments is to produce information that will assist in educational decision making. Assessment in the classroom is part of a larger cyclical systematic process of assessment, evaluation, and decision making. In gifted and talented education, classroom assessment is a vital component in teachers’ efforts to meet the needs of highly able, gifted, and talented students. Within the field of gifted and talented education, the National Association for Gifted Children developed several national standards to ensure that highly able, gifted, and talented learners are being served through high-quality education.