This chapter highlights cutting-edge assistive technologies that can be used to enhance auditory comprehension and receptive language skills. Students who have auditory processing and receptive language deficits often struggle both socially and academically. An in-depth evaluation is required to differentiate other diagnoses that may mask auditory processing and comprehension deficits, such as hearing impairments, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and learning and cognitive issues. Different apps and software programs provide different ways of assisting comprehension or compensating for auditory comprehension challenges. Many students who have difficulty keeping up with reading in school try using text to speech to help them comprehend the material. This can work for many students and has the benefits of being free and available on just about all devices. Unfortunately, if the student also has auditory comprehension difficulties, this text-to-speech feature may not suffice. Communicating on the phone is difficult if someone has a hard time understanding the conversation.