The principal conclusions of this text are contained in the reviews of the 29 evidence-based practices that anchor our bulleted guidance for action. Empirical research in the form of meta-analyses, large-scale studies, small-scale studies, cross-case analyses, and single case studies exists in the field, and information on parenting and school practices for high-ability youth is extractable from the knowledge base on gifted education. The learner who underachieves because of a disability differs from the learner who underachieves because of low expectations, who differs from the learner who underachieves because of a lack of motivation, who differs from the learner who underachieves because of family trauma. The future of evidence-based practices is a bright one. In an age of accountability and scarce resources for schools, educators, advocates, and decision-makers increasingly turn to evidence to inform their decisions. In many cases, the evidence is empirical research.