As researchers at the national research center on the gifted and talented, they recently completed a 6-year study of the effectiveness of two units based on the Challenge Leading to Engagement, Achievement, and Results (CLEAR) curriculum model. The CLEAR curriculum model incorporates elements from three widely-used, research-based models in gifted education—differentiation, depth and complexity, and the schoolwide enrichment model—by Carol Tomlinson, Sandra Kaplan, and Joseph Renzulli, respectively. The differentiated instruction model aims to address the diverse learning needs of students across differing ability levels, interests, and learning profiles. Its success is grounded in modifying three key elements of curriculum—content, process, and product—based on variations in student learning characteristics. Paulo Freire argued that literacy is always political and redirected the field of literacy instruction to consider social justice and the transformative power of literacy. The CLEAR units will emphasize critical literacy skills, challenging students to consider the political and social implications of the topics and concepts taught.