One of the hallmarks of Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is that problem solvers engage in multiple iterations to identify a highly precise mathematical model. This component of MEAs merges with efforts and objectives in engineering education because engineers are constantly designing physical models and testing them to see if/how they work. One of the most interesting facets of problem solvers creating mathematical models is the analysis of them once they have been finalized. The standards for the Magazine Subscription Problem are mostly upper level because randomness, although ostensibly an elementary concept of probability, is anything but simplistic to grasp. Gaining a deep conceptual understanding of randomness and related concepts is the intent of doing the Magazine Subscription Problem. Several CCSS-M domain standards will be met as well by completing the Magazine Subscription Problem. In high school domain CCSS-M standards, problem solvers will understand and evaluate random processes underlying statistical experiments and they will make inferences and justify conclusions from observational studies.