Introverted children are highly resistant to change. They would rather suffer through an unpleasant situation than risk taking action and having a worse scenario. Gifted children are a naturally intense group that tends to be more introverted than other groups. If the introverted child has a particularly well-developed public mask, he or she is able to continue in the class and even the rest of the day without anyone seeing the turmoil brewing just under the surface. Children are under a lot of pressure to perform in today’s schools. Expectations around state and national testing, competition in sports and academics, as well as pressure to “make the grade” can hinder our children’s achievement, especially that of our introverted children. Many times Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder labels are given to both extroverted and introverted children related to apparent hyperactivity in the former group, and assumed inattention in the later group.