Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are an analysis commonly used in organizations, but it clearly applies to helping our children understand themselves a little better. Perfectionism can also be socially prescribed, which means that individuals want to live up to the high standards of others and that they will only be accepted if they meet these standards. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a widely used method that psychologists use when working with individuals with personality disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety) and—the parent guessed it—perfectionism. Essentially, it’s the process of helping people cope by understanding how one’s thoughts, behaviors, and emotions contribute to the disorder and identifying strategies for dealing with this triad of obstacles. The emotions of perfectionism range from extreme highs to extreme lows. It can manifest itself in depression, anxiety, and anger. These emotions are exacerbated when one spends a lot of time and effort on something, but is still unhappy with the results.