Many Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnoses come during a child’s elementary school years. Research on girls with ADHD is making people, especially teachers, more aware of their struggles. Increased use of technology in the classroom is a plus for most children with ADHD. Girls with ADHD have great difficulty with regulating emotions and with self-control. Children with ADHD may require more relevant rewards and consistent consequences for behavior than other children. An individualized behavior plan using tangible rewards is sometimes necessary and can be developed by teacher, a school psychologist, or a behavior specialist. Homework requires sustained mental effort—and that’s difficult for children with ADHD. A girl with ADHD has heightened anxiety because she recognizes that she has performance deficits. Some girls with ADHD are athletic and excel in physical activities, like dancing and sports. The tendency for many girls with ADHD is to jump from sport to sport because having a short attention span is part of their disorder.