Recent statistics suggest that more than 70% of teens will face some form of bullying, including cyberbullying, relational aggression, and verbal bullying, at some point in their adolescence. Physical bullying includes all forms of physical aggression, as well as property destruction, and is what most people think of when they think of bullying. It is typically male-on-male, although there has been a recent rise in female-on-female physical bullying as girls are becoming more socialized toward aggression. Verbal bullying refers to taunting, gossiping, name-calling, and, in the more extreme version, cyberbullying. It is the most common type of bullying and accounts for the majority of cases. Cyberbullying, or acts of verbal and relational aggression that occur online or through technology, is on the rise. Some statistics report that more than 75% of all teens will experience some form of bullying through digital mediums including online and via texting.