Some scientists think the unusual shapes of pitcher plants offer an echo-friendly habitat for bat. The pom-pom crab lives around the Hawaiian Islands and gets its name because it is literally the cheerleader of the sea. Being small and scrumptious-looking to larger sea predators, this feisty little crab has developed a unique way to defend itself and capture its own prey It holds a sea anemone in each claw, and waves them around like two fluffy pom-poms. It gets to eat a little of what the crab catches, or what it can pick up as the crab carries it across the sea floor. Female moths lay their eggs in sloth poop on the ground. The carrier crab-or Dorippe frascone gets its name from a seemingly crazy thing it does. The crab uses its four rear legs to grab a spiny sea urchin, then hoists the urchin onto its back and carries it around, like some sort of stalk-eyed saltwater chauffeur.