Thomas Knowlton joined the army when he was just 15. As a teenager, he found himself fighting against both skilled Indian warriors and trained French soldiers. But when the American colonists started their war of independence, Thomas was ready to fight for his country. His troops provided cover fire for the colonists as they retreated from the battle. One of the members of Knowlton's rangers was Captain Nathan Hale. On September 16, 1776, Knowlton's Rangers were scouting in advance of Washington's army in New York when they discovered the Black Watch. George Washington then called upon Thomas for some very special help. Washington knew of Thomas’s history as a skilled scout. The rangers did exactly that. On September 16, 1776, Knowlton’s Rangers were scouting in advance of Washington’s army in New York when they discovered the Black Watch. It was a group of elite Highlander British fighters, and they were waiting for Washington’s men.