Darkness was a real tool of the civil war. Electric lights did not come into common use until 20 years after the war ended. Homes and buildings were illuminated by candles or kerosene lanterns. In large cities, there were gaslight lamps, but the countryside was very dark at night. Calcium light was created by heating up calcium oxide. Under intense heat, the lime would create a bright white light. These lights were used in theatres before electric lights were invented. This is where the saying “in the limelight” originated. With the aid of reflectors, Robert Grant focused his calcium lights on the fort and left the union trenches in the dark. Under intense light, it was impossible for the confederates to come out at night and make any repairs to the fort. "Quaker guns" were fake artillery used by both sides during civil war. The fake guns helped the army look bigger and better armed than it really was.