When the forest catches on fire, most people run the other direction, but not smokejumpers. They put on fireproof parachutes and jump out of an airplane, trying to land as close to the fire as possible. Their job is to put the fire out before it grows. They are an elite team of firefighters employed by the US Forest Service. To qualify for this job, they have to be in top physical shape and able to run while wearing 40-pounds worth of firefighting gear and carrying a 110-pound pack. They need to know first aid, survival skills, and orienteering. Smokejumper teams are small, with usually no more than 20 people on a team. Not only do smokejumpers have to be tough and brave, but they also have to know how to run a sewing machine. Smokejumpers have to sew their own jumpsuits, harnesses, and gear bags.