The contemplated form of government in independent India, consistent with the realization of the dream, was one which is completely decentralized and fully democratic. Core functionaries were able to delay, divert, misdirect, or carry to absurd extremes every initiative from Mao’s side. The balance of forces tipped in favour of the opposition. The most important bastion of capitalism is the private ownership of the means of productions and/or capital of a magnitude which requires employment of labour more than what is available in the family and the direct producers are divorced from the ownership of the means of production for their gainful employment. Gandhian model which envisaged the dominance of petty production not only found ready acceptance with the large bulk of Indians who were poor and downtrodden but was also not very different from the socialism of Marx and Engels: The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property.