Overeating means eating more than is needed to fuel the body for daily tasks and a little extra for emergencies. This behaviour relates to biological hunger. We also need to factor in social eating which has become prominent in our culture. When someone eats enough food to result in unwanted weight gain, the hunger is psychological, unless there is a medical reason for that gain. Readers are invited to recognise times throughout the day when they eat “extra” food, in order to take the first step into bringing their eating patterns into awareness. Awareness is a key element in this journey. There are various ways of measuring “overweight” according to WHO guidelines. However, the author suggests that it is more helpful for people to decide for themselves whether they are carrying more weight than feels healthy, comfortable and compatible with the life they wish to lead. There are two exceptions to this: one is if the weight is causing serious health issues and the other is anorexics who aim to be thinner than is healthy for them.

The author invites readers to decide what outcome they desire from their journey including to be happy as they are.