In recent years, attention around co-production has focussed on its implementation into service provision. However, it has been acknowledged that this process will take time to fully embed due to historical, hierarchical and cultural issues relating to mental health services. This chapter builds on from the foundational work carried out in chapter 8 of this text by (1) examining a new approach to the implementation of co-production, (2) providing a reflective tool and a fidelity measure to examine organisational and personal commitment to co-production and (3) critically discuss four strategic changes and their actions. All of which are required to support both the organisation and those who work in them to convert their practices towards co-production. However, although this text provides the material to consider when embedding co-production into an organisation, the other aspect needed is real passion and drive from co-production champions to support implementation. This is something that this text can’t provide but it is hoped that the text will offer enthusiasm and motivation for individuals and organisations to break through the barriers and fully implement the concept into service provision.