The body which must die is characterized by the corollary fact that it must eat, and the process is that whereby Az lives and has her being. In the last days, however, when the power of Ahriman and his demons is gready reduced, man is enabled to live on practically nothing, and this in turn deprives Az of her normal sustenance. The hero of the drama of the resurrection of the body is Soshyans, the last of the posthumous sons of Zoroaster, who arise in the last three millennia of finite time to bring about the Rehabilitation. Soshyans, being born of the seed of Zoroaster, is a hero, not a god. It is then a gracious act of divine courtesy to the human race that he should be entrusted with the final rehabilitation of the world and the resurrection of the dead. There the whole human family united forever lives in everlasting bliss.