Behaviors that meet criteria for the first category of repetitive and restricted behaviors (RRBs) refer to behavior that is either repetitive or idiosyncratic. These “stims” (self-stimulating behaviors) can include motor movements, speech, or use of objects. Movements are not limited to flapping, flicking hands and fingers, spinning, rocking, or toe walking. They also include pacing, tapping, swaying, scratching, persistent skin picking, playing with hair, rhythmic self-harm, and an endless variety of other patterned idiosyncratic movements. Repetitive use of objects is not limited to lining up or organizing things, taking objects apart, opening and closing doors, or turning lights on and off, but can also include behaviors like repeatedly reading the same book or watching the same show, making lists, etc. Likewise, repetitive speech or language may include repeating words and phrases – questions, answers, songs, passages from a book, or movie dialogue – pronoun reversal, unusual use of words, palilalia, humming, or other noises. The repetitive behavior of females tends to be more subtle. These so-called “purposeless” behaviors are calming, promote focus, and provide stress relief. Autistic people report that when they are prevented from doing them, they can become dysregulated.