Einstein explains that in Newtonian mechanics, space and time play the part of carrier or frame for events in physics. Einstein has rightly brought out in focus the ambience in which have been brought up and developed through the ages. Physical reality consisted of space and time, and of material points moving with respect to the space and time. The notion of ‘space’, which preceded scientific geometry, changed our mental concept “of the relations of positions of bodily objects into the notion of the position of these bodily objects in ‘space’”. The kinetic theory of gases surpassed the ‘phenomenological physics’ regarding logical unity of the latter’s base. Newton’s mechanics failed to explain optical and electrical phenomena. It is clear that Einstein assumes the existence of an external and objectively existing world largely independent of the observer as the basis of science. There is a tendency among the scientists to detach ‘experience’ from actual material, physical world, and abstractize it.