Travelling to Haiphong during the night of January 7-8, 1967, from Thai Binh province was a formidable adventure in logistics. In 1954, Haiphong had only seven factories. By 1967, it had become the second industrial centre of the country, with eighty regular and five-hundred shop-type factories. The city proper of Haiphong has not yet been bombed, but greater Haiphong has, and very extensively. American planes have continuously harassed and often attacked ships coming into or leaving Haiphong, while in international waters. In July 1966, greater Haiphong was raided twenty-one times; in August, 123 times after more than 400 reconnaissance flights. When the Haiphong officials ended their general remarks, two witnesses were brought in, Le Thi Moi, thirty-five, and Hoang Xuan Xuong, twenty-seven, both members of the Do Son fishing cooperative situated on the beach of Haiphong.