This chapter explores some of the issues of homoerotic desire as it relates to the transference-countertransference matrix. The homoerotic transference-countertransference matrix seems to pose particular difficulties within the broad range of erotic transactions in analysis. The literature on the homoerotic transference-countertransference matrix has mostly been considered by women writers. As far as the female analyst with the female patient dyad is concerned, Lester suggests a strong erotized transference to the phallic mother is possible because of the circumstances of female development. The transference-countertransference matrix takes on a more anxious and sometimes paranoid quality in same sex analytic dyads: male therapist and patient or female therapist and patient. Homosexuality is negatively sanctioned and a man who insistently indulges would risk being called a ‘rubbish man’. The issue of homoerotic desire emerging in a heterosexual analytic dyad is a problematic subject.