Living and working abroad can be a great adventure with many advantages. This final chapter discusses recommendations for expats, organisations and societies for successful intercultural connections and friendships. Expats and their partners need to take the initiative and put an effort into creating a new social network. They should also realise that they can shape their social network by the choices they make. Organisations who employ expats should consider how best to support them, also with the social aspect of settling into a new host country – this is very relevant for self-initiated expats, who often get very little support. Organisations should try to create more interactions between expats and locals to make sure they work well together, and create a fair and inclusive organisational culture. Finally, welcoming communities can make a difference in the country’s ability to retain international talent. Policymakers at all levels of government, service providers and the general public – for example through a buddy system – play an important role in creating a welcoming community.