​9-13 Feb General strike in Petrograd. Mutiny of two regiments of the garrison. Formation of the Executive Committee of the Provisional Government.

​29 Oct Creation of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Petrograd Soviet.

​7 Nov Flight of Kerensky’s troops from Petrograd. Arrest of the Provisional Government. Opening of the Second Pan-Russian Congress of Soviets.

​8 Nov Formation of the Council of Peoples Commissars (Sovnarkom). A decree is passed placing all land at the disposal of the local Land Committees.

​9-13 Nov Defeat of the counterattack by the Cossack Division of the First Army Corps.

​15 Nov Victory of the Red Guard in Moscow.

​27 Nov Initiation of peace talks with the German High Command.

​5 Dec Truce with the Germans signed at Brest-Litovsk.

​20 Dec Establishment of the Cheka.

​23 Dec The French and British sign a secret agreement giving each other zones of influence within Russia.