Practically all psychiatrists are agreed that schizophrenia and paranoia, despite the apparent divergence on superficial observation of their symptomatology, nevertheless belong to the same group, and that it is probable that they are manifestations of the same morbid process. At the same time, Freud believes that in cases of schizophrenia the libido is fixated at an earlier level than the homosexual, in fact, right down to the first oral stage, and that the symptoms of this graver form of the disease are attempts at id-gratification or self-cure. Jung’s concept of the schizophrenic as thinking, acting and feeling as one in a dream, is undoubtedly in accordance with clinical observations and the fact of his dissociation from environmental reality. It is pointed out that the child’s normal reaction to an intolerable world is naturally a flight into phantasy, where, separated from the frustrations of reality, all wishes may be gratified.