Admittedly ego-resistance can postpone it, but, fortunately for the success of analytical treatment, it cannot postpone it indefinitely, provided the patient attends regularly and does Free Association of Thought. It is quite usual for every patient at some stage or another to wish that the analyst would adopt an active and potent role so that he, or she (the patient) could lie inactive like the baby in its cradle and receive all the blessings heaped upon it by the benevolent parent imago. Psycho-analysts will say that the patient’s libido (instinctual pleasure energy), having met with frustration on the mature genital plane has regressed to the very early fixation point of infancy and the very early infantile voluptuousness of genital-less dependance on parent figures. It only remains to add that the frustrations initiating this regression were the particular effective intrapsychic ones. Their pattern will be seen later to be that of parent-fixation with its repression of genital-sexual conflict.